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When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship with Nick will be a difficult hurdle, with their age difference, campus life, dangerous parties, and inner demons stalking them both, reminding them of all they still don't know about each other.   No matter how hard they try, there will always be wounds that won't close. Is Noah really prepared to overcome her fears and truly trust someone again? Will Nick be able to put his past behind him and keep his heart open?   Or are they doomed only to burn each other's worlds down?

你 的 错 误

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孤 独 的 美 食 家 2 0 2 4 除 夕 特 别 篇
井之头五郎(松重丰 饰)受横滨某电影院馆长的委托,将“某个电影的胶卷”送到八王子那里。本应作为年末的工作缴纳而接受的,但是所到之处都有意料之外的请求。无法拒绝的五郎被卷入意想不到的事态,被迫前往长野。五郎和爱车的小伙伴向北出发,但是年末的休假被取消,长途驾驶总之肚子饿了… 那样的五郎在目的地遇到的极致的美食是?然后,五郎接触了在那片土地上遇到的人们,知道了电影胶片中所包含的感情…
皇 家 次 子 女 秘 密 组 织
圣 何 塞 谋 杀 案
故事由女子Yanny(蔡卓妍 饰)为了逃避自己在香港的失败恋情,前往美国探望多年不见的女友Ling(郑秀文 饰)展开。Ling与丈夫Tang(佟大为 饰)在圣荷西过着仿佛宁静无忧的理想生活。但就在短短五天的探访中,Yanny竟揭发了这对夫妇背后隐藏的身份真相。三个人各自有着不可告人的历史,更重演着一场凶案的轨迹,冲向你死我亡的结局。异乡人的美国梦,孤寂与怀疑累积成沉重的代价。
突 然 死 亡 2
心 动 全 为 你
公 理
神 啊 来 救 救 我 吧
大 卫 · 爱 登 堡 : 地 球 上 的 一 段 生 命 旅 程
收 税 人
Shia LaBeouf将与David Ayer再度合作《收税人》。   电影讲述男主角大卫·奎瓦斯(David Cuevas),他是一个看重家庭的男人,但工作却是为洛城黑帮高层收税的收账人。他与搭档Creeper穿梭于城市之间收账,用各种方法逼人们掏钱,而欠账的则会受到残忍的报复。然而,一位旧日敌人的归来让奎瓦斯所爱的一切都陷入危险之中。
黑 盒 子
人气265981 爱情片
8.0 2024 西班牙 HD

年份: 2024

主演: Hazas   Iván   Marta   Sánchez   Varona   Víctor   伊万·桑切斯   加布里埃尔·格瓦拉   加布里埃拉·安德拉达   妮可·华莱士   戈雅·托莱多   玛塔·哈扎斯   维克托·瓦罗纳   艾娃·鲁伊斯   费利佩·伦多诺  

描述:When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship with Nick will be a difficult hurdle, with their age difference, campus life, dangerous parties, and inner demons stalking them both, reminding them of all they still don't know about each other.   No matter how hard they try, there will always be wounds that won't close. Is Noah really prepared to overcome her fears and truly trust someone again? Will Nick be able to put his past behind him and keep his heart open?   Or are they doomed only to burn each other's worlds down?


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