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Set during the Blitz in 1940s London. After writing twelve Poirot novels in six years, Agatha Christie should be a rich woman. Instead she’s struggling to make ends meet. As the money runs out, Agatha concocts a plan to kill off her most famous creation and sell the manuscript to a superfan. When Agatha’s would-be-buyer suffers a heart attack, it seems unfortunate but benign. When her manuscript is stolen, a wider conspiracy begins to take shape. As the bombs fall and she investigates, the danger of her situation becomes apparent; Agatha herself is the killer’s next target.

阿 加 莎 与 午 夜 谋 杀 案

  • 1080P
逃 跑
克洛伊(基拉·艾伦 Kiera Allen 饰)从一出生起就和母亲(莎拉·保罗森 Sarah Paulson 饰)过着相依为命的生活,在她们的世界里,父亲这一角色是从未存在过,也不可提及的。因为早产,克洛伊的健康面临着非常严重的打击,时时刻刻都在遭受着死亡的威胁,可即便如此,母亲也从未放弃过克洛伊,她凭借着自己坚强的力量将克洛伊抚养长大。   克洛伊体弱多病,半身不遂只能依靠轮椅行动,母亲是她和外界唯一的联系,在母亲的帮助之下,克洛伊靠着自学参加了大学的入学考试,正在焦急的等待着考试结果的公布。某日,克洛伊对自己每天都要服用的药物产生了怀疑,通过种种调查,她震惊的发现这些药物正是导致自己无法行走的元凶。
电 话
为了探望患病的母亲(金成铃 饰),金书妍(朴信惠 饰)返回了家乡。自从父亲死后,金书妍和母亲之间的关系跌落到了冰点,她认为母亲应给对父亲的死负全责。金书妍不小心将手机落在了火车上,无奈之中,她只得暂时用家中的一台固定电话和外界联系。   一天,电话响了,在电话另一头的,是一位名叫吴英淑(全钟瑞 饰)的女孩。很快,金书妍就发现,这台电话似乎拥有穿越时间的特使能力,而吴英淑并非和自己生活在同一时代,而是十年前生活在这幢房子里的某个女孩。根据吴英淑的叙述,她被信奉邪教的母亲(李艾 饰)囚禁在家中,过着生不如死的日子,随着时间的推移,两个女孩之间逐渐建立起了友谊。而金书妍亦发现,就在不久之后,十年前的吴英淑将会葬身火海。
阿 加 莎 与 午 夜 谋 杀 案
Set during the Blitz in 1940s London. After writing twelve Poirot novels in six years, Agatha Christie should be a rich woman. Instead she’s struggling to make ends meet. As the money runs out, Agatha concocts a plan to kill off her most famous creation and sell the manuscript to a superfan. When Agatha’s would-be-buyer suffers a heart attack, it seems unfortunate but benign. When her manuscript is stolen, a wider conspiracy begins to take shape. As the bombs fall and she investigates, the danger of her situation becomes apparent; Agatha herself is the killer’s next target.
谎 言 之 底
躯 壳
人 数 之 町
A night of unimaginable terror awaits twelve-year-old, Bobby, and his best friend, Kevin, when they are abducted on their way home from school.   Managing to escape his confines, Bobby navigates the dark halls, praying his presence goes unnoticed as he avoids his captor at every turn. Even worse is the arrival of another deranged stranger, whose mysterious arrangement with the kidnapper may spell certain doom for Kevin.   With no means of calling for help and miles of dark country in every direction, Bobby approaches a difficult crossroad: take his chances in the fields, or find a means to free his friend. Unable to leave Kevin behind, Bobby embarks on a rescue mission, determined to get them both out alive… or die trying.
人气848115 悬疑片
8.9 2024 英国 HD

年份: 2024

主演: Elizabeth   Tan   丹尼尔·卡尔塔吉罗内   凡妮莎·格拉斯   吉娜·布朗希尔   埃利斯戴尔·皮特里   布莱克·哈里森   托马斯·恰兴   摩根·华金斯   斯考特·钱伯斯   朱迪·麦克尼   海伦·巴克森代尔   雅基·波特斯万  

描述:Set during the Blitz in 1940s London. After writing twelve Poirot novels in six years, Agatha Christie should be a rich woman. Instead she’s struggling to make ends meet. As the money runs out, Agatha concocts a plan to kill off her most famous creation and sell the manuscript to a superfan. When Agatha’s would-be-buyer suffers a heart attack, it seems unfortunate but benign. When her manuscript is stolen, a wider conspiracy begins to take shape. As the bombs fall and she investigates, the danger of her situation becomes apparent; Agatha herself is the killer’s next target.

