阿尔方斯妮(葛丽泰·嘉宝 Greta Garbo 饰)本是一位出生在偏僻小村庄里的穷苦姑娘,被贪婪的父亲卖给了商人,之后一路辗转颠沛流离来到了繁华的大都市巴黎。凭借着迷人的美貌和过人的智慧,阿尔方斯妮一举成为了巴黎上流社交圈内的交际花,整日生活在荼蘼的灯红酒绿之中,人们送给了她“茶花女”的美誉。纸醉金迷的生活迅速的消耗了阿尔方斯妮的健康,使她患上了肺病,善良的公爵因为阿尔方斯妮酷似她不久之前去世的女儿,而对她伸出了援手。
一次偶然中,阿尔方斯妮邂逅了作家小仲马(罗伯特·泰勒 Robert Taylor 饰),情不自禁的坠入了情网。然而,两人的经历和身份悬殊实在巨大,这段感情将注定不会有一个圆满的结局。
In the feelgood drama June Again a twist of fate gives family matriarch June a reprieve from a debilitating illness. Much to their amazement, June re-enters the lives of her adult children, Ginny and Devon, and learns that ‘things haven’t gone according to plan’. With limited time but plenty of pluck, she sets about trying to put everything, and everyone, back on track. When her meddling backfires, June sets out on a romantic journey of her own and discovers she needs help from the very people she was trying to rescue.
20世纪70年代,实行夜禁政策的韩国,天一入夜,马路就禁止通行。GO GO 70俱乐部里,由主唱相奎(曹承佑饰)和引领着时髦舞蹈潮流的女歌手美美(申敏儿饰)带着台下的年青人们,用音乐的魅力打破了这种死寂的气氛。可是,尽情享受着音乐和青春跳动的活力的年青人们预料不到的危机也来临了……
George Peppard plays a hard-driven industrialist more than a little reminiscent of Howard Hughes.
While he builds airplanes, directs movies and breaks hearts, his friends and lovers try to reach his human side, and find that it's an uphill battle.
The film's title is a metaphor for self-promoting tycoons who perform quick financial takeovers, impose dictatorial controls for short-term profits, then move on to greener pastures.
The Carpetbaggers is the kind of trashy classic most people were too embarrassed to admit they enjoyed back in the early 60s.
But this Harold Robbins adaptation is so cheerfully vulgar, it's hard not to have a good time - especially given the thinly veiled portrait of Howard Hughes at its center. George Peppard plays the heel-hero, who founds an airline company in the 1920s and buys a movie studio in the 1930s, crushing friends and mistresses along the way.
The high cheese factor is aided by the good-time cast: Carroll Baker as Peppard's hot stepmom, Bob Cummings (quite funny) as a cynical agent, and Elizabeth Ashley, who married Peppard, in her debut -uncharacteristically, as a good girl.
One sad note is Alan Ladd, looking and sounding very end-of-the-line in his final role, as a man's man cowboy star.
Elmer Bernstein's swaggering score helps goose the action along.
Emma le Roux just wants to go home for the holidays. Gentle, beautiful, pacifist Emma. She's made the trip to her father's farm a thousand times. Piece of cake. But not today. Today she will cross paths with Bosman and Baz and Jay. And Boela and AJ and Piet. Bosman is the mastermind of the drug syndicate. A violent psychopath. Baz and Jay are his henchmen - violent dogs on a short leash. AJ and Boela, spoiled brats looking for validation, are on board to make a quick buck in the criminal underworld. And then there's Piet, the weakling, who is willing to do just about anything for his cousin Bosman. Emma witnesses the murder of a policeman at their hands. And they see her seeing them. Now they're hunting her down like an animal. She's easy prey, after all - it'll all be over soon. The problem is, Emma is the daughter of Jacques le Roux. And Jacques le Roux was a Special Forces soldier. The hunt isn't going according to plan. Everything starts falling apart, and fast. At first they were...