Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash, is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for the time she was killed.
本片讲述了约翰·列侬的少年故事。列侬(亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊 Aaron Taylor-Johnson 饰)从小被姨妈Mimi(克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 饰)收养,直到15岁才与亲生母亲Julia相认,他的姨妈更和他的母亲展开了对他的争夺。列侬的母亲带着列侬走上了音乐之路,给他买了一把吉他。后来列侬认识了和他差不多年纪的保罗·麦卡特尼(托马斯·桑斯特 Thomas Sangster 饰),保罗矫正了列侬的吉他技法。列侬的生活充满了挣扎和矛盾。直到有一天,列侬的母亲车祸死去,列侬下定决心离开Mimi,离开他从小生长的利物浦,去探求更广阔的天地.....
Beautiful half-breed Pearl Chavez becomes the ward of her dead father's first love and finds herself torn between her sons, one good and the other bad.
Cette histoire sordide d'un flic de Chicago empêtré dans le vice est racontée par la ville elle-même (s'appuyant sur le fameux poème de Carl Sandburg !) durant 24 heures bien remplies. Remerciements à Martin Scorsese pour la copie.
Heintje是西德电影《英俊少年》的主角,相信这部电影很多人熟悉,但谈到他的其它影片可能大家就陌生了。Ein Herz geht auf Reisen德语直译叫一颗上路的心,拍摄于1969年,但40年了,这部电影还未有过中文配音,相信是没有传到中国的。
Heintje在片中一路唱着好听的歌那歌声让人陶醉其中,Ich sing ein lied fur dich直译是我为你唱首歌,在片中出现多次,可以说是这部的主题曲了,他的金嗓子让人佩服,现实中的他就是以金嗓子赢得众人的欣赏,他的少年时代的歌有荷兰语、德语、英语三种语言,也是语言天才。
开头出现的Liebe Sonne(亲爱的太阳),是说明一个孤儿心中永远都是阳光
Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder aboard a floating casino.
Nick and Nora Charles are attending a charity benefit aboard a gambling ship.
After a murder occurs, suspicion falls on Phil Brant, who had argued with the victim earlier in the evening.
When Phil and his wife seek help from Nick and Nora, Nick refuses to get involved.
But when shots are fired outside his own apartment, Nick begins to investigate, and he soon finds himself in a confusing case with numerous suspects.
Nick and Nora Charles were the ultimate screen couple, husband and wife detectives, always in step and never missing an opportunity to outwit one another as they solved each crime, which they did just in time for the movie's ending.
Myrna Loy was a fantastic Nora, the ideal wife and considering she made 14 movies with William Powell, she made it look like they were really married.
The Thin Man movies, all six of them, played more like sophisticated screwball comedies than murder mysteries, and their comic banter enhanced the proceedings.
Their little wire-haired terrier, Asta, quite often stole the scene as he helped sleuth out the guilty party.
He was a great little actor and rumor had it that away from the Thin Man movies, Asta was really Skippy.
However, the six Thin Man movies credit this cute pooch as "Asta."